But something happened today that made my week much, much better.
No, my dad didn't surprise me with a new car.
(Although I totally caught him looking at little models of Mini Coopers on Amazon.com. Did I tell you that? He's gonna give me one of those just to be smart alek!)
I did not win the lottery, or get a story published on MLIA, or meet someone from England. However, something equally awesome happened.
I got a C on my bio exam.
What? I'm comparing a stupid C on an exam with the lottery? Um, yes. When it comes to math and science, I may as well be brain-dead. Yet we English majors must for some inexplicable reason take 2 maths and 3 sciences. Yeah. Never made sense to me either.
So for me to make a C in bio...well, that's equivalent to an A in English.
That's what I'm thankful for today!
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Sprinkle some pixie dust. You know you wanna :]