Monday: Theology of the Body, which was created by this awesome guy right here.
Tuesday: my mother made gumbo. This is one of the GOOD things about living at home while going to college!

Wednesday: I finally bought Gregory Maguire's Wicked. When I was little, I was totally obsessed with The Wizard of Oz. I was Dorothy for Halloween, like, 4 times. When we went to Walt Disney World and saw the ruby slippers on display at the Great Movie Ride, I completely freaked out and tried to convince my parents to buy them for me. (Hah, right.) Anyway, I love anything having to do with Oz, and I'd seen posters for the musical but I've been wanting to read the book for a long time now. So, I am now, and it's great.
Everyone have an awesome weekend!
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Sprinkle some pixie dust. You know you wanna :]